Into the Dragon’s Den…

This activity fits quite neatly with our ‘Invention’ activity, and works well with children from year 5 and up. It’s a good idea to watch some clips from the TV show Dragon’s Den before launching into a pitch, and there will be various considerations, such as:

  1. What will it cost to bring your product to market?
  2. How much will it sell for?
  3. What problem will it solve?
  4. How does it work / how does it solve that problem?
  5. What is its unique selling point?

The inventor must also be prepared to answer questions from the ‘Dragon’s Den’ (Mum/Dad/Brother/Sister/Granny).

If there are a few of you in lockdown together you can put together a panel of dragons, or you could use zoom to make it a real family affair. If there are several siblings competing for the dragons’ investment, Monopoly money can be used here. This one can get quite competitive, so if you have some budding entrepreneurs, keep this in mind!




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