Debate challenges for LAs, MATs, school networks and partner organisations

Run a programme of oracy events for your cluster, network or organisation – local or national

Oracy projects, and debating in particularly, are well suited to being run through networks of schools. Bringing your schools together for debating competitions or celebration events is a good way to build links and a sense of community.

In 2015 the Noisy Classroom launched its biggest programme to date: Up For Debate in partnership with the PiXL Club. This has involved developing extensive resources, providing teacher CPD and running a national competition for over 400 secondary schools who are members of the PiXL Club.

Among many other programmes, we have also:

  • supported Enfield and Barnet Local Authorities in running their primary school debating programmes
  • facilitated Wandsworth Local Authority in running both their primary and secondary Model United Nations programme
  • enabled the North Downs Cluster to run their primary and secondary oracy project
  • collaborated with The University of Northampton and the University of Hull in running debate outreach projects
  • supported Northampton High School in running a debating programme for their local state primary schools.
  • worked with Bellevue Education to run a debate challenge for their schools
  • provided debate challenges for Excelsior and BPET MATs

These all involve running workshops for staff and students and facilitating and judging competitions.

Contact for more information.

Integrate with the Cicero Cup

Whether you’re a MAT, LA, university access programme, secondary school looking to engage feeder primaries, or a cluster or local network of schools, if you’re looking to run a debate challenge with primary schools, do contact us about becoming part of the Cicero Cup. Now in its third year, it’s established itself as the national primary schools debating championship. We can run workshops, training, CPD and a competition for you internally, and you can then see some of your pupils progress on with us through this exciting and aspirational national competition. Contact for more information.