Our oracy formula

Pick a topic

Anything that can be written about can also be talked about! 

Pick whatever’s on your curriculum plan just now, or search our database of topics …

We’ve got a rich set of different activities, from quick starters to formats that can last a whole lesson …

Oracy’s both at the heart of what we’ve always been doing as teachers, and an exciting journey that can last a lifetime.

Our key message is: get your classes listening, thinking and speaking today!

And, if you’d ever like more support, check out our pupil workshops and teacher CPD

Hot seating

What is hot seating?

This exercise uses quick role plays to learn more about important figures in your subject and explore different perspectives. 

How does it work?

Nominate a student to role play that they are a chosen character / artist / scientist / politician. Nominate others to ask them questions which they must answer in character. This can be done in pairs, small groups or with one student in front of the class. If you are feeling dramatic, you could even take the hot seat yourself and bring some variety and fun to teacher exposition – the children will still build their oracy skills through questioning and listening. 

Across the curriculum

Historical figures, inventors, composers, literary characters, economists…There are key figures in every subject who can be interrogated.